Friday, January 02, 2009


Now Open to the Public.

Test-Run. Ohshnap.


Deja Climbing said...

Klime is looking to make contacts with people that are into blogging and have a good repertoire with the community through their posts/sites. Whenever Klime has something important going on, we will send out press releases to our Bloggers Network, and the rest is in your hands. Meaning, if you think it's worthy of a mention - go for it. If not, shenanigans.
Our community is extremely important to Klime, and getting involved with people in any kind of communication is our goal.
If this is something you are down for, let me know, and I will send you a link to add you to our network.

I hope we can do some great things!

Wasatch Girl said...

Oh yeah.... it is about time. =)