Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Japeezy - Part 3 (AKA Neko Punch) - Ogawayama, Japan

Neko Punch. Don't know the term? Hang on to a hold as tight as you can. Slip off it and your fist clenches, then rams itself (and your knuckles) into the rock. That's a neko punch...

(Today's Japanese lesson: Neko = Cat, Punch = Punch... it makes sense when you see/do it.)

Japeezy - Part 3 - Ogawayama from joshunojoshu on Vimeo.


Fex said...

Been digging all these vids. Love the music and intros and the climbing has me psyched, yo! (Or should that be よ?)

joshunojoshu said...

definitely よ. Thanks!
last one for a while though. My elbow's being a pain, so might be looking at more filming than climbing for the next week or two.

CHL said...

good jeorb on the triology mayn! hope the elbow heals quickly, yay-er!