The past two weekends I was fortunate to finally do some climbing on REAL ROCK. Hahaha, DANG.
Saturday (2/20/10) was spent at LRC breaking in the baby-tips and trying to get back into the swing of things. On Sunday I was able to check out 2 new areas I had never been to before, Middle Creek and Suck Creek. Both are super close to LRC, very cool areas situated in a river valley making for a really nice setting. Will post more on this later.
Here is a video from the LRC sesh on Saturday, filmed and edited with the quickness by Matt Hanner and Jon Hur of "You & Eye Productions". Both are rocking the 7D along with the good glass, so their stuff iz a look a vurvur niiice. Check out the rest of their videos on Vimeo! Homemade steady-cam/slider/crane actions going on. sohawtrightnow. zomg. Hope all is well out there, gitpsyched!!!